Mobyline: a range a products for mother and baby. Especially developed together with nurses for use in children wards.
• VAB developed in close cooperation with the Emma Children University Hospital in Amsterdam the Mobyline portfolio existing out of:
• Mobychair: breastfeeding chair provides support for various shapes and sizes of women during breastfeeding. With sleep function and fully electronic. Easy to clean, fire retardent, tear resistant, waterproof, fungicide and available in many colors.
• Mobytub: the tub on wheels is electrical height adjustable, stable, safe, mobile, self draining, hygienic and easy to clean bath available in baby and toddler size.
• Mobydress: electrical height adjustable dressing table in various sizes and available with many accessories
• Mobycrib: existing out of a infant cradle, infant crib and children’s bed. All mobycrib products are accessible to both medical and nursing staff and parents.